To succeed is to become a stranger to your natural self. From a young age, I remember the more I learned about the human world, the more arbitrary and absurd I found its social norms, frameworks and expectations to be. I seek validation through sharing a dizzying combination of external and internal observations in my work. The question “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” lurks under the surface of everything I produce. Our conditioning haunts us while we wear it as finery.
Physical laws do not hold weight in my paintings. Either the rules apply to all of us or none of us. Funny thing though, the rules keep changing. Logic dictates fair is fair: none of us it is. In this way, I connect deeply to my Surrealist predecessors. Stream of consciousness pop culture, psychology trends, fashion and nature motifs, scientific imagery, callouts in text, and 20th century abstraction all sail through my canvas on a wave of frothy Rorschach dreamscapes.